Cruise ship jobs and more

In the maritime industry, we can find an endless number of positions of great importance, some more than others. Still, in the long run, all of them are vital for the function and experience of both parties to be spectacular, unforgettable, and prosperous. In the following article, we will learn a little more about some of them.

A cruise ship can be like a small world at sea. You can go shopping, enjoy the theater, water parks, partake in various fun activities, dine in multiple restaurants, or enjoy quiet relaxation. In short, cruise ships have everything a person can dream of to enjoy a vacation out at sea. However, enjoying all the great things that cruise ships offer requires a staff that can work as a team and with professionalism so the cruise can be an unforgettable experience for tourists. To discover how they make this happen, we will look into several vital departments and jobs on a cruise ship.

Some departments on cruise ships are Hotel & Catering, Deck & Engine, Security, Food & Beverage, Restaurants, Bar & Lounges, Human Resources, Network, Kitchen and Galley, Entertainment, and Medical, among others. As we can see, there are many departments, and within them, they are sub-divided by other work areas, categories, and teams in charge of specific tasks. First, we will look into some of the most exciting and essential departments on cruise ships.

Among the positions that caught our attention are Cruise Ship Captain, Staff Captain, First Officer, Cruise Director, and Food & Beverage Manager.


Ø  The Cruise Ship Captain is like saying the governor of the ship since he is responsible for anything, that is to say, for everything that happens inside the ship. For example, his tasks include monitoring the operations plan, the action plans for any emergency, the maintenance of the engines, the safety of everyone on board, the entire staff, and the passengers. All this in conjunction with his work team. That is why they are also responsible for ensuring that the safety protocols and regulations stipulated by the maritime agencies are rigorously followed and implemented. In addition, they must ensure that all the necessary certificates and documents are to ensure that everything complies with immigration and customs laws. They can also meet and greet guests and share with them the activities. You must have the required qualifications, experience, and education for this position.[1]


Ø  The Staff Captain, being the second in command, one of his tasks is to know the duties and responsibilities of the captain in case of an emergency. Therefore, in addition to supervising the deck, he is responsible for assigning tasks, working schedules, keeping a report on the ship's operations, and above all, he is responsible for informing the captain directly of everything that happens with and on the ship. He is also responsible for monitoring all movement of personnel and at the time of docking, maneuvering, departing, sailing, anchoring, and in the open sea. Furthermore, they're in charge of coordinating practices and drills and ensuring that the personnel is adequately trained for the assigned work and that the safety equipment for both personnel and crew is up to date. In the same way, he is the one who monitors that the departments are working correctly, making sure that all the necessary supplies are received and supplied, including verifying with the chief engineer the supply and consumption of drinking water and all this within the stipulated expenses.[2]


Ø  First Officer, his duty besides keeping the Captain and Staff Captain up to date is to watch the bridge and all details related to navigation and watchkeeping. He is the one who watches the weather, nearby cruises, news, and warnings related to the sea, analyzes, plans, and carries out the voyage according to the captain's orders. He is also responsible for keeping a daily log of everything on deck, including officers and navigation charts. Another of his responsibilities, and with the technicians, is to ensure that the navigation equipment, lights, working instruments, and safety instruments are working correctly and constantly monitored. Keep all information and instructions prepared and up to date for your crew. Your participation in drills is essential, as is assisting the safety officer and the mooring personnel, helping to ensure that the work and process are carried out correctly and safely.[3]


Ø  The Cruise Director can be considered the party's soul and entertainment on the ship. We see it this way since, within their functions, they are in charge of supervising, administering, coordinating, and preparing activities and events. They are one of the first faces encountered when welcoming and bidding farewell to tourists. They participate directly in ship events, appearing as hosts and even being the party's life for both the tourists and staff. Their work can be fun and exciting and, at the same time, very hectic since they are the ones who are in charge in case of any inconveniences related to the passengers on board the vessel[4], in addition to the time it takes them to mount and culminate any activities and events. These details will depend on the director and the entire work team of the departments corresponding to the activities being carried out. For this, they should comply with the company's requirements to which they are applying.[5] 


Ø  The Food & Beverage Manager on board ships is in charge of ensuring everything runs according to the regulations stipulated by their superiors and that everything is running perfectly, such as their personnel, the work equipment, and necessary utensils. This position is very important, as it is their responsibility to ensure everything is running optimally on board. They also give out the orders needed for all areas of the ship that involve food and refreshments within the assigned budget. Therefore, they must be familiar with the handling, preparation, and experience that the company requires.[6]   

One thing to remember is that all companies may have certain requirements that are the same or similar to others and others may not, but it will ultimately depend on the position for which you are applying. In addition, the number of administrative and service personnel may vary according to the ship's capacity.[7]   However, one thing for sure is one crucial requirement in common for all cruise ship jobs: "TEAMWORK." This is a vital key to a safe and successful voyage.


[1]  Cruise Ship Captain: Job description, duties & requirements

[2] Cruise Ship Jobs – Staff Captain

[3] Cruise Ship 1st Officer – Navigation Jobs

[4] What is a Cruise Director

[5] 5 Cruise Ship Jobs Paying Top Dollar

[6] Food and Beverage Manager,all%20equipment%20is%20operating%20properly.

[7] What is a Cruise Director


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