Simple description of the services provided by Seafarers’ House San Juan

by: Lilliam Alvarado

At SHSJ, we love that seafarers feel good and don't have to do a lot of work when they arrive at our port. It is for this reason that we try to provide necessary services for them, so that they are not running up and down doing their errands.

We understand that, due to the pandemic, there are many limitations and protocols to follow both for the well-being of you, the seafarers, and us, the SHSJ staff. Many of our services are limited due to this situation, hoping that it will soon be resolved, and we can return to normal.

One of our main services is the receipt of packages. We know that your online purchases take longer than usual to reach the ship. SHSJ receives your packages for you, we save them and notify you as soon as they arrive, so that on your next visit to the port you can pick them up. At this time due to the different protocols established by the cruise companies, this service is limited.

Seafarers also have the facility to make phone calls from our center with the use of calling cards, which we also sell, for your ease without having to rush out to buy one. This service is also limited due to the situation that is being experienced worldwide.

We have a Mini-market available in the center, with essential products, as well as snacks and drinks so that you do not have to rush to start your shift, as well as hygienic and electronic products, all in one place. You can buy what you need but, you have to consume it outside the center.

Few of the articles from the SHSJ Mini-Market.

Few of the articles from the SHSJ Mini-Market.

Other services that SHSJ offers are the use of computers (currently not available, due to the pandemic), WIFI, copy, fax, “special work” (quotes, edit documents in Word, etc.), and document lamination.

Although now we are limited in terms of services, we hope that soon everything can return to normal, and be able to provide services as before. Meanwhile, we will be doing the best we can, what the government implements and carefully following the protocol implemented in SHSJ for the safety of all.

#seafarersservices #weareheretohelp


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