Seafarers' House: Packages Management

SHSJ continues to offer our package services. Due to this crisis that has impacted the cruise industry, many seafarers are unable to acquire the many packages that are stored at our facilities. Due to the strict safety restrictions that the island and postal carriers are under, our package services have been severely limited. We have kept in touch with the seafarers who have packages with us, updating their status and asking them if they want to keep their packages in the center or want to have them sent to another address. Although, as stated earlier, we continue to work in a limited capacity and some restrictions on postal mail continue here in Puerto Rico. We have begun to send packages by mail to all seafarers who ask and are able to pay for shipping.

How are we handling the process?

  1. We are constantly monitoring the emails seafarers send us daily.

  2. If any seafarer wants us to send their packages to another location:

    1. We locate the package(s) stored in our center.

    2. We then ask for a detailed description of the packaged items or request your authorization to open the package so that we may view its contents. This needs to be done because the mail carriers ask to know the contents of the package for customs and to also give an estimate for shipping fees.

    3. We take the package to the mail carrier, to get the shipping cost. The cost may vary for each individual package.

    4. Once we acquire the shipping fee information, we send a message to the owner of the package to verify with them if they accept the shipping cost to send their package.

  3. If necessary, we will send the seafarer a customs form that they must fill out for international shipping.

  4. After they send the shipping payment (via PayPal), we will then proceed to mail their package(s). We will also send a copy of the delivery receipt by email. If there is money left over, it will be sent back to the owner via PayPal.

If the seafarer does not want their package sent to them, we will keep the package in our facilities until the cruise industry returns to normal and they can collect the packages on a later date.

For more information, our contact information by email is:


How We Are Facing the COVID-19 Pandemic in Both Our Personal and Work Environments


Seafarers' House: Protocols Summary for COVID-19