How We Are Facing the COVID-19 Pandemic in Both Our Personal and Work Environments

COVID-19 ... how you have changed our lives!!

Indeed, the whole world has changed because of this terrible pandemic. All of us, regardless of race or gender, has in some way been negatively impacted by the pandemic, sadly some more than others. Before long we had to learn about the virus and its contagious spread around the globe, social distancing, and quarantines. We have learned to make habit the use of hand sanitizers, face masks and frequent hand washing to help reduce the spread of contagion. It has also become normal for many public places to take our body temperature before we enter an establishment. Supermarkets, restaurants, and even small corner stores have applied this protocol to keep people safe. These times have also drastically altered our personal lives, separating families who are normally close, in case someone in the family is more vulnerable than others to contagion. We have learned to interact with our family members online, virtual hugs replacing physical. All these changes are necessary preventive measures, to avoid the spread of the virus.

This COVID-19 pandemic has affected our professional lives as well. Many people are left without work while others have had to limit their studies or stop them completely. Consequently, this has negatively impacted many psychologically as well. But we are learning to adapt to this situation, either working from home or taking strict safety measures in the workplace, using protective equipment to prevent the spread of the virus. This has been a year filled with a lot of hard life lessons. Humanity must do their part to reduce the spread of the virus so the we may, hopefully someday soon, defeat it entirely and return to our normal way of life. Small sacrifices are necessary, like giving fist bumps instead of handshakes and conversing with others at safe distances while having our faces partly covered for everyone’s protection. All these little lifestyle changes can help keep our friends and loved ones safer.

Even though we have made drastic lifestyle changes due to the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, some have found positive things while adapting to this new way of life. It has helped many change their perspectives on how they live their lives. Some have learned the value of being at home, spending more time with their families. Many have learned the importance of mental health by slowing down to enjoy the little moments with friends and loved ones. To notice the small things around us that, due to our hectic lives, we sometimes ignore.

This historic, once in a lifetime moment we are all experiencing has been hard for everyone. Regardless, we strive to adapt and overcome adversity. The day will come when our way of life will return, and we may hold our loved ones again without fear.

In the meantime, Seafarers’ House San Juan wishes everyone to be safe and sends virtual hugs to those who need it!!

By: Lilliam Alvarado


Current State of San Juan, Puerto Rico During the Pandemic


Seafarers' House: Packages Management